Welcome to winter in the desert. The mountains you see here are the very mountains that make this place a desert. The storms and the yuck wack into them from the west and merrily distribute their storm-drenchings before they have a chance to reach us. As you can see here the only thing that was left of this major storm was a big fat rainbow. This eye-candy could be seen directly over the mountains just west of Desert Hot Springs, very near where we are staying. Trixi went out to walk Roger this morning and ran in shouting, "quick get the cameras". We ran out and caught several great rainbow shots. Hers, of course, were the best but then she's the pro. You can get the idea from mine here. And yes, it is REALLY windy and not expected to quit until sometime tomorrow.

Also, just wanted to share this little Oasis shot I took in Joshua Tree National Park a while back. It is a spectacular place. It was a stop-over for travelers in days past and now, after some underground events, is much dryer. I therefore took the liberty of adding a little water. I think it looks nicer with the water don't you?
Like your photos. Thought it was just a typo at first, but since I've seen it consistently on your weblog I thought I'd point out that it's JOSHUA not Jashua Tree.
To The Anonymous Helper:
Thanks for the heads-up on the spelling problem. I didn't catch it. Glad you like the photos. It's nice to know that someone out there is checking my spelling. Obviously I am not doing the best job. Thanks Again,
Bret From Bret's Place
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