Sunday, December 27, 2009

New Blog

FYI... I am no longer posting to this blog.
Check out my new blog at

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Jeep Trip In Death Valley

We took a little jeep trip today with friends. It was an all day adventure up an obscure canyon on the west side of Death Valley. We were shooting for a client... It's great getting paid to do what you love.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Bad Water

Welcome to the lowest place in North America. This is place is called Bad Water and it is located in Death Valley, California. These incredible patterns in the dry lake bed are caused by water evaporating and leaving the salt behind. Standing amongst these salt polygons is like being on another planet. Death Valley is a never ending source of amazement.

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Salt Creek, Death Valley CA

Salt creek is a salt water river. Who would have even thought that possible? It flows through Death Valley and at this time of year, December, it is not much more than a trickle. In places it dips beneath the surface only to appear again a bit "down stream". Eventually it sinks into the sands of the basin, not to be seen again. It is the home of one of many varieties of desert pupfish that actually have adapted and thrive in the salty water. Everywhere you turn, there is beauty and wonder in this amazing place. (click image for larger view)